Standard 5

5a. Qualified Faculty
5b. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Teaching
5c. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Scholarship
5d. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Services
5e. Unit Evaluation of Professional Education Faculty Performance
5f. Unit Facilitation of Professional Development
Conceptual Framework
Standard 1
Standard 2
Standard 3
Standard 4
Standard 5
Standard 6
State Standard


5c. Modeling Best Professional Practices in Scholarship

5c.1. What types of scholarly work are expected of faculty as part of the institution's and unit's mission?

CEHD articulates its commitment to teaching, scholarship, and service with focal areas addressed in CEHD Mission Statement (Exhibit 5c1.1 CEHD Mission Statement) and its criteria for promotion and tenure addressed in the CEHD Faculty Handbook (Exhibit 5c1.2 CEHD Faculty Handbook).The CEHD Mission Statement states expectations of faculty to “conduct basic and applied research, and assimilate findings that will contribute to the knowledge base, educational policy, and continuing development of the professions.” The CEHD subscribes to Boyer’s definition of scholarship, which can be found in the CEHD Faculty Handbook. (Exhibit 5c1.3 Boyer’s Definition of Scholarship). Scholarly activities according to the CEHD Faculty Handbook policies related to tenure, promotion, and annual faculty evaluations, include publications, presentations, and grant writing. Additional information related to each of the CEHD department scholarship requirements for tenure and promotion can be found in the Promotion and Tenure Policies and Procedures section of the handbook. The CEHD Mission Statement and Faculty Handbook requirements align with the University’s campus wide Vision and Mission Statements, which are integral parts of the university strategic plan which emphasize the importance of academics, research, and service in all the programs at the university (Exhibit A2.1 ULM Vision & Mission Statement). The expectations of the University, related to scholarship, are reflected in the current ULM Strategic Plan’s first goal addressing the enhancement of faculty excellence. Specific objectives addressing publications, presentation, and grant participation can be viewed in (Exhibit 5c1.4 ULM Strategic Plan – Goals & Objectives Related to Scholarship). Increased emphasis on scholarly activity at the university level, lead to addition of research meetings to encourage and support interests in scholarly activity have recently become a regular practice on both the college and departmental levels.


5c.2. In what types of scholarship activities are faculty members engaged? How is their scholarship related to teaching and learning? What percentage of the unit's faculty is engaged in scholarship? (Review the definition of scholarship in the NCATE glossary.) [A table could be attached at Prompt 5c.3 below to show different scholarly activities in which faculty members are involved and the number involved in each activity.]

Unit faculty members engage in a variety of scholarly activities, including, publication, presentation, and grant writing. As evidenced by the faculty vitae, unit faculty members contribute to the knowledge base of the field in a variety of areas, and have published or reviewed articles in many professional publications (Exhibit 5c2.1 Faculty Vita). From August 2006 to August 2008, the faculty published and reviewed articles on the international (10%), national (37.9%), regional (13.8%), state (20.7%), and local levels (10.3%). Additional aggregated data related to the proportion of unit faculty who have published on all levels are presented in the following exhibit. (Exhibit 5c2.2 Scholarly Activities of Unit Faculty). Another integral part of scholarship is the presentation of findings from research conducted by unit faculty. The number of presentations, range of subject areas, and widespread venues for presentation, also evidences faculty scholarship. From August 2006 to August 2008, the faculty members presented on all levels, including the international, national, regional, state, and local levels. The proportions who had at least one to five professional presentations during that time period were 28.6% on the international level, 46.2% on the national level, 44.8% on the regional level, 48.3% on the state level, and 31% on the local level. Additional aggregated data are presented related to number of presentations completed by unit faculty in the following exhibit. (Exhibit 5c2.2 Scholarly Activities of Unit Faculty). The wide range of focal areas addressed in presentations by CEHD faculty evidences the diversity of expertise found in the college. A list of the most current presentation topics of the unit faculty is included in the following exhibit. (Exhibit 5c2.2 Scholarly Activities of Unit Faculty). Unit faculty also support the scholarly endeavors of candidates by co-presenting with the undergraduate and graduate candidates, and encouraging unit candidates to take part in the annual university research symposium. Faculty members are also active in grant writing and securing contracts that enable them to extend research and evaluate new ideas and approaches to education, as well as aid and expand school programs throughout the region. Types of programs funded by grants that have been secured by unit faculty include programs to enhance teacher quality in rural areas, to provide quality physical education programs in local schools, and to provide mental health crisis response systems in schools. (Exhibit 6b2.2 CEHD Funded Grants 2004-2008). Individual grants secured by faculty members range from $5,000 to $1,779,643. During the fiscal years of 2004-2008, faculty members from the unit were awarded grants and contracts totaling $9,099,711.


5c.3. (Optional Upload for Online IR) Tables, figures, and a list of links to key exhibits related to faculty scholarship may be attached here. [Because BOE members should be able to access many exhibits electronically, a limited number of attachments (0-3) should be uploaded.]